March 2020 – Spring Auction

Sunday, March 15, 2020, Giant Tropical Fish Auction,

All Species of Freshwater Tropical Fish To Be Auctioned Off. 


Gold Coast Aquarium Society’s 9th Annual Live Tropical Fish and Plant Auction. 

Gold Coast Aquarium Society of South Florida is a Non-Profit Organization/Club. 

We, GCAS, meet every First Saturday of the month. We meet At 10:30 AM at, The Collier City Library, 2800 NW 9th Ct, Pompano Beach, FL 33069

The Tropical Fish Auction will be March 15th, At TY (Topeekeegee Yugnee) Park in Hollywood, Florida 33021. By Sheridan and Park Rds. 

Street Address is Topeekeegee Yugnee Park, 3300 Park Rd, Hollywood FL 33021 at Shelter # 9


This is Tropical Fish and Plants only.  

The auction will be at TY Park’s Shelter #9 on the north end of the park. There will be Many Rare Tropical Fish from local breeders and fish farmers, importers, African cichlids, Discus, Catfish, Plecos, Killifish, Central and South American cichlids, oddball livebearers, Flowerhorns, inverts, shrimp and unusual plants.

Viewing and Registration starts at 10AM. Auction Starts at 12PM Noon.

There will be available Hamburgers, Hotdogs, Chicken Sandwiches, Soda and water for refreshments



1) Everyone is welcome. A Free 30 Day Club Membership will be given when registering as a buyer or seller. Items are accepted for sale at seller’s risk. All sales are final. All items are sold “as is”. GCAS will not accept any responsibility for any items safekeeping nor its condition before, on or after the sale.

2) Bidders must register for a “BIDDER CARD” prior to bidding.

3) Payment for items bought at the auction must be paid in full prior to leaving the auction site. Payment is recommended to be made in cash only, however, credit cards may be accepted subject to approval and appropriate ID.

4) For sellers, Anyone wishing to sell an item MUST register with the auction PRIOR to 11AM, 3/13/2020. To Pre-Register, E-mail Reply to this listing.

5) Auction Splits and Seller Registrations, For early Pre-Registrations from now until March 13th at noon will be 70/30, 70% to seller and 30% to GCAS. E-mail Reply to register for Auction. Late Registration will continue from March 13th at noon up to March 15th at 11AM and split will be 50/50, 50% to seller and 50% to GCAS.  Settlement will be made within ten days of the auction. To Pre-Register send an E-Mail To, We will need your name, address, and phone number and the number of bags you expect to bring for sale.

6) All items must be properly labeled. Labels must be white with black lettering for easy reading by auctioneer. Items must be labeled with the sellers name, a “seller’s number” and the “bag number”, plants or fish should have scientific and common names along with number in bag, sex if possible, pairs (one of each sex), mated pairs (have produced offspring with each other).

7) Proper fish bags must be used for live fish, no baggies, zip-locks or twist-ties will be accepted. Live items must have ample air and water. A re-bagging charge of two dollars per item will be applied to the seller of fish that require re-bagging. Some fish bags will be available for sale at the auction, And at GCAS’s March 7th general club meeting

8) A limit of five bags per type or color of plant or fish will be observed and enforced. No crowding of fish in bags. Bags must have ample room and air for the fish contained. Items must be of sell-able size, fish should be one inch minimum with dwarf species 3/4s of an inch. Adult pairs of large aggressive fish must be in separate bags or buckets.

9) No Minimum bids will be accepted.

10) Any item not claimed at the end of the auction becomes the property of GCAS.

11) The Auction Chairman and/or The Auctioneer have and retain all rights to reject any item as “not fit for sale” or “improperly offered”. Their decision is final. All rules will be strictly enforced and subject to their interpretation.